Learn how to create your own Intake Form with your desired fields.
Accessing the Intake Forms builder
To get started, navigate to the Intake Forms window.
In the EvolveGo Desktop App, select File from the top-left corner of EvolveGo , then select Intake Forms.
Creating the form
- Select Create Form and choose either a Matter or Lead Intake Form. Enter the form name and select the relevant states and matter types.
- If your matter type or state is not appearing here, ensure you have selected them in Firm Settings.
- Select Create Form. This will open the Form Builder.
Changing the form type
If you wish to change a form from Lead Intake to Matter Intake or vice versa, click on the Matter type text under the form's name. The Update Form window will open for you to make changes to the form.
Important notes:
- Changing the form type will reset the Matter Types drop-down menu. You must reselect them before updating the form.
- Mapped field components that were present in the original form will be converted into Text components.
Building the form
A custom intake form is made up of sections that contain components.
The left panel of the form builder contains all the form sections. Each section represents a page for your form. For example, the first section could be where prospective clients enter their basic information, and the second section could be where they start providing details.
Select Edit sections to add, delete or rearrange sections in the form.
The right panel of the form builder contains components, the building blocks for the form.
To add a component, drag it over a plus icon in the middle of the form builder.
Rename a component by clicking on its name, entering the new name and pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. Highlight the text to make it bold, italics or to insert a link.
Rearrange components on the form by dragging the dots on the left side of the component.
Select the field settings icon on the top-right corner of the component to access further actions, such as adding description text, marking the component as mandatory, or deleting the component. Field settings vary depending on the component.
Click on the component name to convert it into a different type of component. This is useful if you have changed the type of intake form (e.g. converted it from Matter to Lead intake or vice versa), as switching form types will convert mapped components into text components.
To move an existing component to a different section, drag and drop it onto the desired section.
List of Component
Adding conditions to your form
Conditions create a logical flow in your form based on the responses given.
For example, if a respondent selects an option in a Choice component or enters information in a text field, a different component will appear based on what they selected.
You can set up conditions in the following component types:
- Text (includes Text options in mapped fields)
- Choice (includes Choice options in mapped fields)
- Multi-select
- Number
To access conditions:
- Select the double arrow icon on the bottom-right corner of the component where you wish to start the flow:
- Select Add condition. An "If" and "Then" line will appear on the screen.
- The "If" line triggers what happens in the "Then" line. Select the appropriate options under the Choice and Answer drop-down menus.
- Select the appropriate Component.
- Question: Send the respondent to a single component in the remaining form.
- Section: Send the respondent to a different section in the remaining form.
- Group: Send the respondent to a Grouped Field in the remaining form.
- Question: Send the respondent to a single component in the remaining form.
- Select Add condition to add multiple conditions to the component.
- Once you are done, select Save conditions.
- When selecting a component in the Then line, only subsequent components to the form will appear. This prevents you from creating circular logic flows.
- Components with condition/s attached to them are denoted with an orange icon.
- You can chain conditions together as far as you like. The top of the conditions window displays the condition set before and after a component, so you can check the flow at a glance.
Previewing your form
Select the Preview form button at the top of the form builder to view how the form appears to respondents.
To easily progress through the form without filling in mandatory fields, uncheck Field validation.
Select Settings to preview and make changes to the confirmation message that appears after the respondent completes the form.
You can also choose from a set list of automated fields by selecting the arrow and boxes icon in the text editor.
Saving your progress
Your progress is automatically saved as you build your form, so there's no need to worry about creating the form all at once.
Making your form active
Once you are ready to share the form, toggle on Active next to the Settings button.
You can also toggle it on from the list of intake forms.
Editing your form
You can return to the editor at any time by accessing the list of Intake Forms and clicking on the form you want to edit.
Note that you cannot edit forms that list "EvolveGo " as the Created By user. However, you can duplicate the form and edit the duplicate if you wish.
Duplicating a form
You can duplicate a form by clicking the three dots icon next to a form and selecting Duplicate.
This will help you to make minor modifications to the form without having to recreate it.
Organising your forms
You can filter matter and lead intake forms by state, matter type, and creator using the filter icon.
Embedding the form on your website
To enable prospective clients to complete your custom form, you can embed it on your website.