Document folders can be used in the document section of a matter to sort and save specific documents.
Default Folders can be set for different matter types so that new matters opened will already have the default folders in them.
- To create a Default Folder access the Smokeball Settings
- In the settings select Matter Configuration (1), then Add New (2)
Note: If you already have Matter Configuration set up for this matter type, double click on the matter type diplayed (3) instead of Add New
- Select Default Document Folders (1), Select a matter (2), select the Matter Type (3) and OK (4)
- Select Add a folder (1), enter Folder Name (2) CREATE (3) and SAVE (4)
- You can create sub folders by creating a new folder then drag and drop in the main folder
- When you then create a New Matter within this matter type the Default Folder will already be in the matter
Additional tip
- You can create matter-specific folders by right-clicking in the white space (1) and selecting Create New Folder (2)